Important information regarding the presentation of your paper at the upcoming 2011 Foundations of Digital Games Conference in Bordeaux:

1) Please plan and practice your presentation to be TWENTY MINUTES. Multiple presentations in each session will start on 25 minute boundaries, with the intervening time used for questions and setup. The session chair will give you warnings when you have 10, 5, 1 and 0 minutes left.

2) Please come to the session room 15 minutes *before* the scheduled start of the session and identify yourself to the session chair.

3) It is highly recommended that you test your A/V hookup (laptop adapter, etc.)  before your session. For example, stop by the session room during a lunch or coffee break to test your hookup.

Attention to these details will help guarantee a smooth and enjoyable conference for all.

If you have any difficulties regarding your presentation, please let one of us or the general chair, Marc Cavazza (  ) know asap or at the conference.


Maximum Poster Dimension are A0 (84 x 119 cm / 33 × 47 in) and Portrait Orientation.


Submission Site

Authors of accepted papers should submit their camera-ready papers in PDF. Log into and then under the Author menu, select View Own Papers.  At the far right, click on the upload icon.

The deadline for camera-ready submission is May 10th 2011 (papers not submitted by the deadline may be removed from the conference proceedings).

Paper Format

Full papers must not exceed eight pagesPoster submissions must not exceed three pages.  All accepted papers must comply with the official ACM proceedings format using one of the templates provided at

For a paper or poster to appear in the proceedings, at least one author must register for the conference by the deadline for camera-ready copy submission.

Additional information for the authors is as follows:

a) Only PDF files should be submitted. The file name should conform to the following naming convention: lastname-paperID.pdf, where lastname is the last name of the first author, and paperID is the paper ID assigned to the submission.

b) All fonts must be embedded within the PDF file.

c) The authors should use the ACM template that includes the copyright permission block, and add:

FDG'11, June 29-July 1, Bordeaux, France.
Copyright 2011 ACM 978-1-4503-0804-5/11/06 ... $10.00.

It should appear at the bottom of the left column of the first page.

d) Classification information per ACM:

Papers should include ACM Computing Classification categories and terms. The templates provide space for this indexing and point authors to the Computing Classification Scheme at: